The WOKE Come For FRIENDS? Jennifer Aniston BLASTED
00:34 "... friends and I mean I feel like I don't ..."
00:36 "... need to explain to you guys what friends ..."
00:37 "... is slash was it's it's friends well ..."
00:53 "... interviews the issue of friends came up ..."
01:22 "... episodes of friends and find them ..."
03:50 "... it's the friends was never that good and ..."
03:52 "... this quote implies that friends was ever ..."
03:58 "... we're not offended by by friends who ..."
04:10 "... friends has gotten an increasing amount ..."
04:23 "... friends she said quote friends creators ..."
04:45 "... the creators of friends she is now so ..."
04:54 "... over the lack of diversity on friends ..."
05:13 "... people who were involved with friends in ..."
05:24 "... friends plus problematic yields articles ..."
05:27 "... such as friends 10 times the classic ..."
05:50 "... times friends was actually really ..."
06:14 "... by friends a lot of people are offended ..."
06:16 "... by friends apparently it's great if ..."
06:22 "... by friends but they're really claiming ..."
06:40 "... Network sitcom like say friends except ..."
06:45 "... friends it's about a group of teachers ..."
06:52 "... you may know that I have seen friends ..."
07:09 "... dialogue for the longest time friends ..."
07:14 "... I was feeling sick I would watch friends ..."
07:24 "... watch friends say that I'm a fan of ..."
07:26 "... friends would be putting it mildly now ..."
07:33 "... that friends used to have and I think ..."
07:40 "... friends haven't aged that well I'm ..."
07:48 "... friends isn't funny anymore but it's not ..."
07:54 "... criticism of friends and if you're ..."
08:04 "... you're someone who doesn't like friends ..."
08:15 "... criticize friends I feel like they're ..."
08:27 "... the time that friends was shot in what ..."
08:43 "... that yet a group of six white friends ..."
09:01 "... friends growing up thought man it's too ..."
09:09 "... absolutely nothing wrong with friends ..."
09:27 "... friends always had a message that you ..."
10:05 "... the time I would say that friends was ..."
10:45 "... friends isn't Progressive Enough by ..."
10:50 "... not friends as a show because I I still ..."
11:00 "... can have friends of different races and ..."
Proper Review
Apr 3rd 2023
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