The Super Mario Bros. Movie, 2023 - ★★★

The story is something you've seen before a million times - the typical hero's journey with all the classic beats, but the movie manages to fit a lot into its short runtime and remain fun throughout. The voice acting ranges from serviceable to good and it elicited a good bit of laughter from the audience. There's a mix of humor that's obviously meant for kids as well as humor targeted towards the parents, and it seemed like all the families in the cinema where I saw it were having a good time.

It crams as much references to different Mario games and sometimes feels like a bit of a whirlwind. It's also way more of an action movie than I was expecting.

Is it deep? No way.

Will kids love it? Yes.

Will manchildren love it? You know it.

I think this one is gonna make a lot of money. It's...

Proper Review
Apr 6th 2023
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