It's Like Being in Bastogne

So I've been listening to the talk radio show hosts and guess what they're all talking about?

That's right, the housing debacle.

And not that I'm criticizing them, or belittling them, but they're talking about this as if it is something new and shocking. That the collapse of Wall Street just kind of "sprung up" on them. Again, its because I had the "advantage" of working in banking and saw this coming, but I kind of analogize it to being in the 101st Airborne during the Battle of Bastogne and then getting relieved by the Third Army and having them ask "So, what's going on?"

I want to yell back at them, "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!"

Regardless, the timing of this housing/banking debacle more or less mandates that I address something about how to prevent this in the future (and...

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