Why Gru Trumps "Mars Needs Moms"

Gru, the villain/hero from "Desp*cable Me" does not like children. In the movie he adopts three young girls only to use them to help him carry out his diabolical plot to "steal the moon." Invariably and accidentally, he ends up caring about and loving the children and finds out he gained something more important than stealing the moon.

"Mars Needs Moms." Good god, do I even have to bother explaining why this bombed?

Dalrock (or rather, should I say, Dalrock's wife) predicted this would happen (though I should warn you Mr. Dalrock himself makes some ...um....additional "vulgar" observations). Meanwhile Disney's executives are "scratching their heads" about why Mars Needs Moms has bombed.

Hmmm....what does the public want?

Politically correct stories, the theme/morals...

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Mar 14th 2011
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