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Now that is am mostly over watching this show the first couple of days, I must say this was absolutely hilarious. Sam has basically created a reality tv show in the style of Big Brother, but everyone is basically some form of raging autist, except Vance who is a straight guy and Mauro who is just fat. Some of the weirdo's on this show: Simmons: Basically an effeminate Asian man, with long hair and wearing bear shirts. He has a background in theater and tries to get people to engage in acting and "martial art" exercises and tries to creepily hug the girls. Jon: A wog lout-mouth, who constantly and I mean constantly annoys everyone with tall tales, lies, etc while acting tough, all the while hiding his crippling insecurities. The guy can't stop talking. Josie: Another nutty Asian, she has severe and crippling autism and has a tendency to make repetitive movements, play with her toys and walk around the room with her plushy. Lettie: A really ugly, anorexic nerdy girl, who has no problem pushing people around when it suits her whims. Apparently there is plenty of weird sexual sh*t about her on the internet, including nude pictures and some drama of her cheating on her boyfriend. Sylvia: A really fat hybrid between goth and trailer trash. Naturally she has an only fans. Damiel: Socially disturbed Asian, with many claims of fights having won, only he doesn't fight, just hides in his room all day where he talks tough against the walls. Jeb: Unofficial 9th fish, he cleans up the trash, makes constant mistakes that degrade the quality of the show and hates his life. Anyway, you can see how this would create plenty of weird moments and we will see how this show will turn out, or if it will turn out well, because that isn't completely certain yet.
Apr 23rd 2023
This review was posted from the Netherlands or from a VPN in the Netherlands.
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