A more serious review
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The Truman Show is primarily watched and respected for being a film that has a visionary approach to the idea of reality TV, though the hit show Big Brother was actually planned at the same time this film was made, making it less visionary and more of an exaggeration of trend that would develop in the 21th century. Basically this film has laid the foundation of what could potentially be possible for a reality TV show, a man, who doesn't know he is locked in a gigantic dome, has an entire town and it's population as guardians for a TV-show about his life. What ensues is hilarity, sentimentalism and some philosophical talking point about the nature of when reality ends and fiction begins. All good, but there are some criticism you could level at the film. Firstly it's completely unrealistic that an audience would spend decades watching the life of a fairly boring and mundane individual like Truman. We never see the creators of the show setting Truman up for bizarre scenario's or outlandish events, except when he is trying to escape. Some reading on the production of the show, implied they where going for a much darker film originally and this could have made the film better, or possibly worse. But it would have added some psychologicalย  depth to the film. But as it is the Truman show is still a fun and quirky comedy with plenty of twists and turn. A real classic I can recommend to just about everyone.
May 2nd 2023
This review was posted from the Netherlands or from a VPN in the Netherlands.
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