The Plugged In Show, Episode 180: What Parents Need to Know About Discord and Twitch. Plus: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

LISTEN TO THE PLUGGED IN SHOW, EPISODE 180 Sometimes, parents might want to quit the social media safari. Every time we get used to one platform, two new ones spring out of the jungle. And when it seems like our kids often know more about these new social media critters than we do, it can leave us feeling a little overwhelmed.

Welp, Plugged In is here to bring you up to speed on a couple of social media(ish) outlets that have been in the news lately: Discord and Twitch. Both are significantly different than, say, Facebook or Instagram. And while both cater especially to gamers, thereโ€™s a lot more to them than that.

How much more? Well, you have to listen to find out.

And while weโ€™re on the subject of โ€œmore,โ€ thereโ€™s more Marvel to talk about, tooโ€”specifically Guardians...

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