90's nostalgia
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After watching the gender swapped straight to dvd streaming sequel, we decided to watch the original. I hadn't seen it in years and am not even sure I saw it all the way through before. There's actually a lot of sweet and relatable characters and themes throughout. By the end, I realized why it was such a big hit. I also realized that the lovable douchebag, Stiffler, was endearing whereas the gender swapped Stiffler wasn't. It's hard to say how much of it is cultural programming and how much is genetic. But it's like how people complained about Hillary coming off as an obnoxious shrill nag, whereas Trump was a bombastic kooky rascal. If a woman is in a leadership role, you want the calm and nurturing momma bear like Tulsi Gabbard. But I digress, I'm still talking about the gender swapped trash... The original was pretty good. Disgusting, but you should expect that going in. The side plots and romance arcs balance it out. The pop punk soundtrack gives nostalgia bonus points too. The one scene where they secretly livestream a foreign exchange student getting naked was dated. I'm obviously no prude or METOO White Knight type. But even I can admit that aged poorly. The tech was new and this was before society realized how f**ked revenge porn and just the effects of easily accessible porn on society would be. He gets his comeuppance kinda' so whatever. Oh and fun fact: it turns out Jason Biggs is not Jewish. Just plays one on TV.
May 9th 2023
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