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Gay Stuff
Not much to say about this one. The adolescent male targeted movie had its own era from (1995 - 2010) -ish. "Dude Where's My Car" and "SuperBad." "Super Troopers" Do they make movies like that anymore? Seems like it evolved into the nu-stoner era of Seth Rogen movies, but they weren't targeted just to adolescent males. It was just raunchy humor moreorless. But even that stopped because as Todd Philipps said, "Wokeness ruined comedy." At the time this came out, I thought it was dumb and never saw it. But if I knew such films would have died out, I might have tried to soak it in while I was living through their peak. Hmmm.... But yeah, stupid movie with a half-assed plot and lots of nudity and throwbacks to the original. I did laugh out loud a few times. And the overall theme of moving on after high school was a nice touch. Very skippable movie unless you like marathon-ing franchises like I do. Or if you want to appreciate eras of films like this raunchy politically incorrect male centered comedy era. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
May 9th 2023
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