comedy for wankers
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Sluipschutters (Snipers) is a sketch comedy-show produced at the same time and very similar to the show I previously reviewed called "komt een man bij de dokter", they even share actors. But in my humble opinion the show is inferior to the one I previously reviewed. Why? for several small reason and one big reason. The jokes don't work half of the time, because they are not jokes. A good joke need an intro, a development and a punchline and most of those sketches are just "look bizar situation", KeMbdD does this much better, every sketch is actually a joke with a punchline. The types depicted in this show are just not as concrete and identifiable, which in my opinion removes a large part of the humour and the biggest reason I don't like this how is because it's basically more wanker humor and less macho humour. Yeah, it's somewhat difficult to pin down, but it's basically "I am a creepy dude and sex makes me uncomfortable" versus "I hate my wife and want to cheat with my neighbor", so in that sense I can't relate with the comedy show, because I am not a wanker.
May 13th 2023
This review was posted from the Netherlands or from a VPN in the Netherlands.
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