Surprisingly good
SupportConsume If Free
Gay Stuff
Affirmative Action

Alyssa Sutherland's beauty is intoxicating. I love that Asiatic look that's in some Scotts. Those high cheek bones and slightly pointed eyes, like Emma Stone. Used to know a real life McCoy who looked the same. ??

Too bad Sutherland becomes a demonic zombie. But the fact that the almost all female cast wasn't full of fat black ladies made its slight feminist bent go down smoother. One of the daughters is trans, and one of them is Hispanic or mixed. But they don't really explain anything about a step dad or have any dialogue about gender. Compared to most 2023 movies, it was shockingly White & lacking agenda.

It's all perspective though. Reboots are like vegan meat. The expectations are what make them suck so much. Don't call it meat. Just think of it as plant based protein and it's not so bad. Same with this. If you don't expect anything even remotely close to the original "Evil Dead" movies, you can enjoy it. There's some homages like blood covered faces, chainsaws, shotguns, etc. But it could have been made as a movie with no relation if they didn't bother using the same Book of the Dead. And instead treated the homages the way Quintin Tarantino does to intellectual property he has no right to.

As for the agenda or feminism, there was practically none. If anything, you could argue the film was anti-woke because it's the tranny's fault for unleashing demonic forces into the world. And the main character is pregnant and it's implied she's thinking about getting an abortion. But later when the demonic zombie is about to kill her and talks about devouring her soul, it smells her womb and hears a heartbeat and says "two souls?" This is the turning point when she is motivated to fight and survive and keep the baby. And the general chaos of a broken home with an all female house headed by a non religious single mother doesn't glorify their lifestyle.

However, there are shallow elements to the plot that seem like bait for lefties. Like how a girl in the beginning sh*t talks a frat bro type. Or how one daughter is a tranny. Or one daughter has an "eat the rich" t-shirt and is painting signs for a protest. Or how a door in the house has a poster saying "feminism is not a dirty word." Or how one lady talks about being the first female in her field to do X. It may seem like a lot, but that's it. No more than that, and again, the meat of the plot and character development was about how the main character decided to keep the baby and not focus on her career as much. And unintentionally how being a godless, single mother, feminist sucks.

But this is kinda cope on my part. There's no denying this is a lazy cashgrab reboot with half-assed pandering to feminists. So for that reason, don't pay to see it. If you like horror and the good kind of gore (not the cringe gross-out Saw type, but the over-the-top Quintin or 80's style gore), then it's worth watching. Plus, I liked all the characters moreorless and was on the edge of my seat throughout. 

May 14th 2023
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