Dirty Western
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McCabe & Mrs. Millers apparently gets titled an anti-western, because it seeks out to subvert western cliches, but if you approach the entire film as a historical film about a gambler and louche businessman teaming up with a whore-madam, non of that really matters. The film itself has both it's beautiful moments, the wilderness, but plenty of vice and explores the American frontier life, the dirtiness of a mining town, the drinking, gambling and whoring, the exploitation of the workers and the young woman in the sex industry, so it's a good film to explore the darker underbelly. The story itself is wonderful, it takes a slow approach, rarely gets too grim or too dark until the very end and allows us to explore and learn to know the small mining town. Most of the characters in this film are well cast in my opinion, sometimes depicted semi-seriously, but all of them are believable. Another notable point, even though the film is full of nudity and substance abuse, it's certainly not over the top or campy like a lot of films of the era, still for someone looking for something more decent, I don't recommend this film.
May 15th 2023
This review was posted from the Netherlands or from a VPN in the Netherlands.
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