Blockbuster w/ Aesthetics
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Fedora Tipping
Radical soundtrack. Boomer v.s. Millennial father son relationship was kino. Awesome aesthetics throughout. But the character development and chemistry was weak for everyone but the father. Also how many movies are gonna' invoke Hitler imagery with the authoritarian speeches in front of big red banners and Roman legions? The agenda wasn't too preachy in this, it's just so over done at this point. If you interpret the plot as the possible dangers of A.I. you'll be fine. Also I liked the message about how eugenics and trans-humanism is also dangerous considering survival of the fittest is dependent on a subjective environment. But the plot was really secondary. The main point of the movie was to show off the CGI and music. So if that's what you like, Tron is right up your alley. Be warned though: the de-aging CGI didn't age well. ( Watch if free 'cuz it's a reboot. )
May 23rd 2023
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