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Lotta possible interpretations. I think the surface level one is elite society v.s. the pleb class: an anti-capitalist one. Another is an "Eyes Wide Shut" meets "The Thing" illluminati one.


Or possibly a "Heathers" style blonde WASP v.s. brunette (((small hat))) message. However, I think it might have been pitched as that in order to get green lit. And that the creators were hiding their power level and knew that the country club truly in control of Beverly Hills was of the racist Epstein variety. The "ain't nothing like show business" line makes me think so. Don't care enough to deeply research the writers and production though, so lemme know what you find out.
No matter what, if you are redpilled and feel isolated from society, it will resonate with you the same way that "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" or "They Live" does.

But only watch it if you already like slapstick retro gore. It drags on and wasn't that good tbh.

Hard to find a version because many of them accidentally streamed "Dead Poet Society" instead 'cuz of the shared release date. This link worked well though:

May 29th 2023
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