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Now I don't have a thing for Bollywood and normally wouldn't bother watching Indian film or tv-shows, the culture overall is just to strange and alien, but when I found this series on the Internet Archive I was almost immediately hooked. This production of Ramayana is really like nothing that can be found in the West, we have feudal drama's, heroic epics and some Christian and Arthouse films go an esoteric route, but for someone to translate a great religious epic like the Ramayana into a large tv-show, is really impressive. Why? Well, the epic tries to teach etiquette, proper behavior, how to react to adversity, religious customs and adds plenty of soapy melodrama and fantastical elements. It's difficult to explain, but I was genuinely touched by the humanity of this series, duty, love for your father, how to be dispassionate in the face of adversity, etc It literally made me rethink the relationship I have with my father. The downside perhaps is that this is a very alien culture, we in the West can't really grasp the ethics of medieval Aryans and naturally the production is somewhat cheap, genuinely like some of the music though. But if you are willing to stay put and get used to the strange religious fairy tale world of the Ramayana, you will most likely end up a better person. https://archive.org/details/dli.ramayan.contents
Jun 6th 2023
This review was posted from the Netherlands or from a VPN in the Netherlands.
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