Sound of Freedom, 2023 - ★★★★

Tim Ballard: God’s children are not for sale.

It’s a bit difficult to recall exactly how word of another Alejandro Monteverde film post-Bella and one starring Jim Caviezel had made its way through my ears. But about two years ago, one question stewed in my mind and was made clear: “When the hell is this film ever going to see the light of day?” Unsurprisingly, a movie that delved into the very depraved, yet rampant part of society — across politics, governments, institutions, companies, studios, and nations. Suffice to say… the world. And a film that would, unsurprisingly, have to endure many hurdles and barriers along its path to the silver screen — albeit, a path that would take five years after completion. Was the entire endeavor worth the wait? It might not be for some...

Contains Mention
Jul 5th 2023
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