Bloomberg writer blasting "Sound of Freedom" has past... questionable tweets about children

Corporate journalismers are still on the warpath, creating content attacking "The Sound of Freedom." It's about child sex trafficking and is based on a true story. Because a lot of conservatives are happy such an important movie is kicking Hollywood's ass, the media has to hate it and be mortified at how much money it's making. The latest example is this review from Bloomberg, but there's a twist.

Journalismer Noah Berlatsy had this to say: "Many critics have linked Sound of Freedom to the pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy cult. They've also been startled by its mainstream success. But the truth is that the conspiratorial right and the Hollywood default aren't that different — which is why, perhaps, our polity has had such difficulty rejecting QAnon, Trump and fascism."


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Jul 17th 2023
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