Another little person goes viral with anti-Disney rant about canceling dwarves from Snow White: "Is this their woke spin?"

I'm wondering if Disney is shorting (I swear that's an unintentional pun) itself in the market. They seem to enjoy setting investors' money ablaze. Their latest in the genre is a live-action Snow White. Only there is no prince, Snow White sounds like your gender studies major cousin no one wants to sit next to at family gatherings, and instead of seven dwarfs, there is only one hanging out with six full-sized people.

Tammi is the latest little person to go viral blasting Disney for it. Instead of having a movie that would give seven little actors an opportunity they otherwise wouldn't, it was more important for the company to pander to woke Lefties who are five feet or taller.

— (@) "Is this their woke spin on things? Because it really sucks when they're the ones screaming...

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