Bradley Cooper target of social media outrage over prosthetic nose he wears in Leonard Bernstein biopic โ€˜Maestroโ€™

Bradley Cooper is on hot water. People are dropping X all over the app formally known as Twitter outrage over his prosthetic nose in the trailer of Netflix's new Leonard Bernstein biopic Maestro, where Cooper stars and directs. If you focus on the words "nose" and "Bernstein," you can guess where this is going.

Netflix dropped the trailer on Tuesday. Enough people were upset about it instead of going outside to touch grass that NBC News decided to create content about the outrage.

โ€” (@) Leonard Bernstein was Jewish. Bradley Cooper is not. Since Bernstein had a bigger nose than Cooper, the actor went with a prosthetic for authenticity. Seems harmless and a normal person wouldn't even notice. But enough outraged people dropped X over it that NBC News -- a recognized legitimate...

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