Painted Faces, 1988 - ★★★★

Hey, peeps! We.. are BACK, baby! After a bit of a break, come and join us for another episode of The Searchers podcast! This time, we three discuss a Hong Kong film, Painted Faces. A late ‘80s biographical drama depicting the early lives of three Hong Kong films stars we both love — Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung, and Yuen Biao of the Seven Little Fortunes. Jackie, especially, Ben and I have professed our enthusiasm for as fans in our second episode, “Eastern meets Western.” Hear us delve into our love for these stars once again; listen to each of us unleash our inner fanboy and discuss this little entry in the vast litany of Asian cinema; and hear Chris’ even fresher perspective on Jackie, Sammo, Yuen, and Hong Kong films. Plus… our takes on tradition, its current unfortunate depletion,...

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Aug 28th 2023
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