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It's generally a fairly light and funny series but agendas are being pushed in the usual confused way throughout and this picks up even more in season 2. I think the most frustrating thing about the situations they create is how incongruent with reality they are. They often just seem confused in a way. It's like someone who doesn't have real world experiences has written them. No real people actually would behave in the way illustrated - it's an imagined oppression. It's the usual trope of men being a caricature of all the "toxic masculinity" ideas while also being incompetent idiots, in "positions of power" while all the females are highly competent but also the "victims". It just doesn't come across as natural or true to the world. Everyone exists on a sliding scale of intelligence or competence. I suppose the frustrating part is that there are actually decent and redeemable parts of the series but it becomes so confused & lost in all the agenda pushing. In season 2 this increases to the point where it's not worth watching anymore.
Aug 30th 2023
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