Highly recommend
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Very very impressed. Really glad Crazando recommended it because when I saw the trailer I wanted to see it. I'm a big fan of David Cho and it seemed intriguing. But I told myself, "It's Netflix. Probably garbage." And never looked again. It's like Game of Thrones and Parasite had a baby. But it was only one season so there was no filler. Just lots of serendipitous connections weaved throughout in clever ways. Sometimes the cliff hangers and shocks remind you that it's TV. Felt like a Korean soap opera but there's always some artsy and creative blend that balanced it out. Besides, there were at least 5 times when I expected the cliche X surprise and was blind sighted by a Y sucker punch. ( I googled and I guess they might make a season 2 or 3 but with different characters each season. Keeping my expectations low but hopeful. Either way, this is not a commitment. Just 10 episodes and there is character development and planned messaging. Not pointless shlock to stretch it out indefinitely like they did with The Walking Dead. ) As far as POZ and wokeness, users of this site will all enjoy it. I realized that it's not just 70% White cast that is a good proxy for wokeness. Literal diversity (as in the biologist Simpson's Diversity Index) is a great proxy. Because if some globohomo corporation forces quotas into a show then no character is real. The one Black guy can't be tough because that's the angry Black man stereotype. The one Asian can't be obsessed with college because that's racist. So you get all these synthetic characters that are either empty or the complete opposite of reality and take you out of the fictional immersion. For example, in the Barbie movie the guy cucking Ken is an Asian male. Or in Cobra Kai they have the dumb jock bully be the Asian guy. C'mon... So in this, it's a very relatable expression of the Asian culture. The overbearing parents who feed the vicious cycle of trauma and high expectations. Not showing love explicitly but by saying "I'm proud of you." The gambling addiction. The fake saving face stuff. There are times they say racist sh*t about Whites but it felt genuine and not an agenda at all. I loved the phrase "Western therapy doesn't work on Eastern minds." Which was foreshadowing to how plant medicine in the end was the therapy needed for the uptight Asian anti-hero protagonists. Tons of full circle stuff like that and deeper messaging than just a typical K-Pop soap opera. My only complaint is that it was very L.A. It may be hard to relate to the fakeness and yuppie lives depicted. But the critique of how social media makes us all unsatisfied with our current lives is universal. And who better to show this than the Asians whose parents beat them and tell them, "You bee doctah! STEM! You study STEM! Buy mee house!" And the super fake West Coast snobs. Besides, the twin flame subtext is very L.A. but fit so well. Very beautiful progression and ending. Definitely watch it! P.S. Amy Wong is the only female comedian whose stand up I laughed at. And I was shocked at how good of an actress she is.
Aug 31st 2023
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