Mile wide and an inch deep
SupportConsume If Free
Gay Stuff
Affirmative Action
Fedora Tipping
Gameplay loop: Accept quest, fast travel from A to B, click heads until enemies die, scan environment for loot, do a couple lock pick mini games, finish quest. Repeat ad nauseum. Appears vast but everything is the same. Zero immersion. Writing is uninspired, characters are contrived and lame (every leader is a dark skinned girl boss). Played for about a week before giving up on it. Doesn't live up to Fallout or Skyrim. I messed around with the ship builder more than anything, but even that is very limited with not many parts, just near identical variations. Base building is even more limited and reminded me how shallow Fallout 4's was. Massive amount of pointless inventory management. Crafting requires materials from all over the galaxy, so you never want to leave any around. Maybe mods will save it, but there isn't much to build on.
Sep 27th 2023
This review was posted from Canada or from a VPN in Canada.
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