Imperium: The Flaccidity of Hollywood and Culture-Distorter (Meta)Politics

For about a decade or so, I have tried to steer completely clear of Hollywood movies in general, especially nasty anti-white agitprop of the brain-dead neo-nutzi sort where skinheads and other ostensibly pro-white tattooed losers demonstrate that they are even less articulate and cultured than the ghetto negro crackhead and dope dealers that they so ruthlessly and venomously hate yet somehow I forced myself to watch the innately insipid and inanely idiotic Imperium (2016) directed by young Hebraic hack Daniel Ragussis who demonstrated a prior interest in Judaic studies with his short Haber (2008) starring Teutonic mischling Christian Berkel in the titular role as German-Jewish chemical warfare pioneer Fritz Haber. In fact, my main reason for enduring such fiercely phony ADL-approved...

Proper Review
Apr 13th 2020
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