The Millionaires' Express, 1986 - ★★½

The "Weird" Western List

This genre (meaning the "weird western") is gradually unfolding as less of a great one and more of a sloppy one. For everything I really appreciate and love about the old timey slapstick going on here, I could not be less interested in what was happening between any of the characters. Sammo kills it with his physical comedy, jumping out of half a dozen building windows and having a neat-o fight with Cynthia Rothrock. I also appreciate the fact there are tons of familiar faces for all you Hong Kong junkies, and maybe one day I'll be there, just not today. I also enjoyed the beginning 15 or so minutes with the snowscapes and Sammo's escape. The middle is a real trudge, and the ending picks up again in positive ways. It would have been cool to see Chan join with Sammo...

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Nov 24th 2023
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