Host Goes Silent as Javier Milei Says What Every Politician Is Afraid to Admit

Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about the new president of Argentina, Javier Milei, getting a news host to go silent by seamlessly destroying the foundational ideas social justice is based upon; shocking footage from the House hearing on anti-Semitism, where the presidents of Ivy League schools like Harvard’s Claudine Gay, UPenn’s Elizabeth Magill, and MIT’s Sally Kornbluth refused to say if calling for the genocide of jews was against their bullying and harassment policies; Elon Musk’s reaction to the shocking testimony from Ivy League universities’ presidents; Ibram X. Kendi denouncing whiteness while promoting his Netflix documentary, “Stamped from the Beginning”; Netflix’s adult cartoon “Big Mouth” normalizing puberty blockers; BlackRock’s Larry Fink admitting...

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Dec 6th 2023
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