Sinister Sites: Quinta da Regaleira, an Occult Palace Built for Masonic Rituals

The region of Sintra, Portugal has always been surrounded by a mystical aura. In Roman times, people of the region built a temple dedicated to Cinthia, the goddess of the moon. Ultimately, the entire region was baptized with a derivation of that name: Sintra.

โ€œSince the beginning of recorded time, Sintra has been regarded as a land cloaked in mysticism. It permeates its steep hillsides and even its air. Itโ€™s common to be surrounded in nevoeiro (fog) one moment and the next, bathed in sunlight. You can feel a bigger, stranger power at work in those hills. Its legends have been passed orally through generations and have survived since the time of the Moors โ€” and maybe even before then.โ€

โ€“ Atlas Lisboa, Sintraโ€™s Myths, Legends, and Paranormal Activity

Pena Palace in Sintra.


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