Listing To Podcasts On Antiracism Gives Nurses Extra Credits Towards Their "Education"

In case it was not clear to you during the Panny D, medical “professionals” decided to wake up one day and acquiesce to the notion that “science” should be replaced with “the science.” And by “the science” they mean political science.

Since then, it is more common than not that we see nurses and doctors believing in pseudo-scientific claims to solve things that are not their problem. One of those things is that “racism” is now a public health issue that they need to fix and the magical cure is “equity.”

But why do they think all that? Well, this is one reason why.

— (@) According to The Daily Caller:

“The American Nurses Association (ANA) is promoting podcasts on ‘activism’ and ‘rooting out racism’ to nurses seeking Continuing Nursing...

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