Not just horror
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Decided about three weeks ago to watch a lot of old horror films from the 60's, it's December, it's cold and dark and I was in the mood for it. After a few vampire, monster and ghost flicks I finally stumbled on this one. Had never seen it before, but I was pleasantly surprised. It's not really a horror film, I think a film should only be labeled as horror when the focus is on mood, body horror, violence and creature scares and this film has some of these elements, but for most of the film, you are watching a drama of a woman being thrown into an idyllic situation and then slowly going insane. This strongly adds to the scare factor of the film, the ghouls don't just march on a gloomy gothic castle, eating and biting, no we are slowly introduced to a beautiful, lonely mansion where a woman has become the governess of two young children. But soon, many hidden secrets are revealed, not everything is as it seems and when the "ghost" finally show up, it's jarring, most notably because there is no indication that the "ghosts" are real, it's jarring because you are seeing the psyche of a woman, slowly falling apart. Watch this for the beautiful location, the family elements and for psychological drama, don't watch this as a generic horror flick.
Dec 22nd 2023
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