Focus on identity
SupportConsume If Free
Gay Stuff
Unlike the previous anthology I reviewed "Black Sabbath (1963)" this one has no straight-up horror in it, every one of the three films has at it's core the question of identity and values, this gives it a slightly higher score, when the stories themselves are not completely solid. The first film is the story about a cruel and perverted countess, who through falling in love and destroying the one she loves, becomes possessed by something sinister, leading to (badly written) poetic death. The second, not my favourite, but the most moralistic of the three tales, is about a sinister sociopath, who gets thwarted in at every turn by his identical counter-part, a man who seems to embody every decent trait he lacks. The third film is visually more interesting, it's basically an avant-gardish tale about an actor, being slowly consumed by his inner-darkness.
Dec 22nd 2023
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