5-year-old script writer plays with monster toys
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I have a hard time describing why this series annoys me, while I still enjoy watching the monster action, which is pretty much the only reason to sit through most of it. Despite the fact that there is very little of such action (I guess the budget had to be limited, which is ironic if that's the only thing keeping the series afloat). The most annoying part is probably that the script seems to have been written on a whim. "Famous three words", where it is supposed to be "funny" that "I love you" is replaced by "I don't know", is not three words, but four. Would it be too much to ask to actually come up with three words to the equivalent? I'm not a writer, but anything from "Have no clue", "Beats me buddy" to "No f*cking idea" would be plenty more original, even when you need to keep things family friendly. Then a few sentences later I'm at a loss whether the writers really have no command of the English language by using "Divide & Conquer" as a means of splitting up a search to improve results, while the expression refers to setting up people against each other to easier rule over them. Insider joke? Not amused. And probably most viewers by now have learnt it the wrong way, thanks to this abuse of ancient wisdom by dumb writers. Is it really coincidental to have two such huge blunders in the same scene, just a few sentences from each other? Language is a way to change people's thinking. It seeps through into everyday life and before you know it, we start babbling like online FPS shooter kids. I recently notice that not only Gen Z are incapable of making a difference between the tenses, but mainstream media is starting to make the same mistake. Increasingly people are saying "I should have went" instead of "I should have gone" and many similar verbs are cut out from their vocabulary, which wasn't exactly rich to begin with. The usual compliance with DEI can be felt all along the storyline, things that the likes of ImdB will get you censored for even mentioning: - White people are a minority, those that do appear all have negative traits, be it all-out evil, betrayal or stupidity. And of course it is not a pimpled white introverted loner but a rasta-haired black extroverted woman that is a software genius, all Asians ethically superior to any act of the whites, etc. At best, white males can appear funny, amusing, as long as the laugh is at their expense, otherwise they are just Ken extras, like Kurt Russell and his younger self. And even then, a clumsy kind of inferior to their female coloured counterparts. Because in our world, women are always the courageous leaders and men weak followers, or so the series seems to portray. - Not only are whites in the minority, but those that appear seem to be racist to the point: most are war-mongers and look down on the Japanese, ignoring scientific progress. Because that's how dumb all whites are, of course, to not even be able to capitalize on the strengths of those they look down upon because of their prejudices. - Even when building the strong characters, male or female, the script gravitates unavoidably to the weak minded liberal Karen behaviour: whether it's our female heroine's panic attacks or the otherwise modest male scientist son's sudden thrashing about in the study, throwing a tantrum (which reminds me of the degradation of Kylo Ren to a child's hysterical fit when it doesn't get that lollipop), the pattern of strength of character and backbone needs to be destroyed at all cost. - The ever-returning theme of Guilt: by now a trademark of modern day movies, shame and regret without reason is instrumental to make the viewer doubt its own ethics and standards. Whether for not doing something (saving children from a schoolbus that hangs on a ledge) or not stopping a nuclear detonation, viewers are led to believe that we all have the power to change history and if we don't, we are guilty from birth. An absurd notion, but perpetuated at every occasion and lamented upon endlessly with grief, while the very idea of having full control in circumstances where mountain size beasts are thrashing about is ridiculous. The subtle method of making it all relatable is the otherwise realistic depiction of our world. A totally accurate economic, political, cultural landscape, but normalize fear by having Godzilla signs in the streets and totally tranquil citizens obeyingly walking to the shelters, with much less distress than when the bombs were falling during world wars. This docile populus, the wet dream of the power hungry is suggested to the masses, of whom I am sure some totally detached members even believe that this is how Japan is today, Godzilla signs and all, just like how many children think that the Swiss cows are purple, just like on the chocolate bar. But I digress. Most people probably don't care about these "subtleties" or shrug it off as artistic freedom, but why go through all the trouble of making this parallel universe look just like ours with all of its historical details, when the elements changed within all serve a distorted reality, that of a woke wet dream? If it would stop at the use of the monsters, fine. But the other changes are all a distortion of our ethical grounds as well, the woke creep. Subtle, but defining. Since no movie or series is free of these differentiated overlaps nowadays, I no longer believe that the mingling of the likes of the Obamas in Leaving the World Behind for example is an exception in the brainwashing movie culture. We have come to accept that the realm of fiction wants to invade our perceptions of reality. Instill fear for something that used to be in the realm of fantasy in the past and leaving the theatre, we left it there. Now, we are led to believe that this is our reality: that we are not yet fearing what is to come. Even about something as absurd as gigantic monsters living underneath us, ready to be awoken and destroy everything. Unless of course we have our "benevolent protectors", "in the name of Science". And herein lies the true Divide & Conquer: we are led to believe that the forces of good vs evil are those trying to "save us" from an outside threat. While the true threat is the very existence of these forces and neither of them is on our side.
Dec 25th 2023
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