Provocational to utter disgust
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Gay Stuff
Affirmative Action
Fedora Tipping
This is probably one of the most disgusting series I have ever watched. It is not merely the provocational style (episode 7 takes it all), but the utterly unrealistic wishful thinking of a perverted minority. I am not talking about their being gay, but the false mirror the writer is portraying society in. Perhaps the best example is the totally a-sexual encounter on the beach of a gay person with a polite and formally dressed man in sunglasses of unknown sexual orientation (assumed hetero in the real world), where the gay character behaves as if it were totally irrelevant what orientation the other person has and the only relevance is the horniness of the gay person: the mathematical odds of success are extremely slim, the self confidence however is absolute. As if the characters are living in a universe in their own head, detached from societal norms. And since it is the writer's privilege, it seems that his world does consist of more gay couples than straight ones. The series starts out with this gay distortion from the get-go, but the relationships are still acceptable from an observational point of view, curiosity wins to continue watching and ignore the inbreed. But episode 7 lights the match to the explosion: it is not the gore and shocking images without purpose that is just repulsive, but the notion that this is our very nature as human beings and subsequent explanation and expected realization through introspection. That this evil dwells in all of us and were it not for our social norms, the very act of speaking out what we think, would make society collapse in an instant, utterly destroying all of our norms. I call BULLSH*T! This lie is put so self-evidently, that one cannot think but considering the script writer for a lunatic asylum of like minded individuals. It is understood that about 5% of the world population consists of pychopaths to keep some kind of balance for times when hard choices are impossible to be made by most of us, but the series is intent to make us believe that this is actually 100%. And that there is a very thin line between total chaos and harmony, one that can easily be cut. The series is the wet dream of a mentally deranged and twisted mind. I rarely do (for scientific reasons), but this time I had to stop watching this utter garbage after episode 7. Good luck to anyone who can stomach beyond, but I promise you, there will be no learning. Except maybe, to see the ways of those intent on forcing their twisted ideologies upon us.
Dec 25th 2023
This review was posted from Austria or from a VPN in Austria.
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