Shapeshifting War Profiteer Subverters
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Apparently it's like "Game of Thrones" in the sense that the anime outran the manga so the third act gets wonky. Also this iteration was unsure who its target audience was and is too philosophical/gory for kids, but too silly & full of filler for adults. Still, I enjoyed the series and I'm glad I watched all 50 something episodes. Love the Asian Kung Fu Generation and L'Arc-en-Ciel OST. The plot about shape shifting war profiteer subverters is unintentionally based but nothing like "Attach on Titan" in terms of messaging. The WW2 elements and Christian aspects have no deeper meaning. Purely aesthetic & setting. At least in this version, maybe there's something worth noting in the "Brotherhood" adaptation or the original manga. Check it out if you want. It's a bit over hyped tbh.
Jan 1st 2024
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