Girlboss AntiCommunist
SupportConsume If Free
Gay Stuff
Affirmative Action
Pros: - pro life subtext - anti-Communist - bad guys race mix and are gay - great soundtrack - great premise - creative mid budget w/ dark humor Cons: - tons of unnecessary diversity hires - sickeningly feminist Not in rhetoric but nearly every guy is a whimpering cuck while Kleo girl bosses around. You can see the actress wincing in one scene as she shoots a machine gun because she's a woman and of course she does. At first she is like a real life female spy. Which means they seduce men to get secrets. And she doesn't fist fight anyone out of her weight class. But then she starts throwing 300 pound men out windows and nearly all of her enemies are girl bosses too. Predictably so. And the fight scenes were such sh*t they had to be written by a woman. You'll find yourself yelling at the TV. However, it is clearly inspired by "Kill Bill" with several homages. And there are lots of slapstick weird scenes and breaking the fourth wall once or twice. So if you prepare yourself mentally you can stomach the Mary Sue crap. And to watch Germans not be nazis for once is refreshing so it balances out a bit. Such a shame there's woke casting because it has so many redeeming qualities. The first episode having a Deus Ex Machina is such a good set up for a series! A spy for Eastern Germany is imprisoned after completing a successful mission and normally that would be the end, but then the Berlin Wall falls and she is let go since she was a political prisoner. Then the John Whick / Kill Bill revenge story begins. The satire of the West v.s. the East seems balanced and pokes fun at effeminate & hedonistic liberal men. The collectivist altruistic archetype v.s. the individualist free but selfish one comes up over and over. Especially when her traitor Mom decides to continue living without her after the reunion. Lots of good questions to meditate on. Reminds me of this conversation between Sam Dickson and Jared Taylor: "Why Won't Whites Defend Themselves" In it they talk about how the Iron Curtain actually helped shield Eastern Whites from destructive ethno-masochistic ideologies. TL;DR Give it a shot, if it's free and you pretend it's Kill Bill.
Jan 8th 2024
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