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Well checked out this documentary and yes, it's certainly not bad or very corny, it's basically a narrative exploration of a writers speculative alien setting, with CGI that is just good enough to make it believable, though not that good that you never feel like you are watching the trailer for someone's adventure game. The creatures are truly aliens, you never have the feeling like you are just watching some generic scifi film, the documentary has a plot, the robots slowly discover the planets and piece by piece discover it's mysteries, a bad part are the many guests giving their usually mediocre opinions of the subject, I would have gone for just one speaker with some more depth. Shout-out to the creepy Trotsky looking dude, who basically says that people who don't want to learn and know everything aren't human. Yes dude, like we don't have work, families and reality to deal with. *rolls eyes*
Jan 26th 2024
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