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Alright, I enjoyed this much more then I expected, it's certainly not "the greatest parody" I have ever seen, neither is this comedy really good, though a type of nerd will no doubt think it is, good for them, but I prefer more straight-forward serious stories. But what makes this a joy to watch is that it's just a long, silly homage to every bad Stephen King, horror anthology, made-for-tv, kitch 80's show you can think off, I even flashed back to old full-motion video games from the 90's. With every main actor having it's own brand of bad acting, the terrible cliched story elements that make no sense, the bad cuts, hammy monologue, the behind the scenes takes, yes it's funny for a while. Though I agree with Mondomirth, it's a good thing they made only 6 episodes, more and it would grow boring and grating.
Feb 3rd 2024
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