old favourite
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Spoony was one of my favorite reviewers 10+/- years ago when I was still watching a lot of those quirky YouTube reviewers that combined terrible media, with silly gags and over the top commentaries, a lot of those guys do not interest me, most notably "guy with the glasses" who is personally dislike, most likely for a good reason, but I like Spoony and for two good reasons. First I kinda like some of the things he reviews, he does a lot of FMV video games, some of which I used to play, he made a long take on the entire Ultima series, which I also enjoy a lot, besides that a lot of things from bad films, video games, board games too wrestling. Some of which I like, the rest I care little for. Next, I personally like the guy, he is weird, but not too nerdy in looks and appearance, he is funny, has a real passions for the things he reviews and often hits the mark in many of his videos, he became very popular, but later on started suffering from his own "black dog" and stopped producing reviews. There are two large collections of his work on the IA, so check them out: https://archive.org/details/noah-antwiler-complete https://archive.org/details/thespoonyonevids
Feb 4th 2024
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