BlackBerry, 2023 - ★★★★½

Inside you there are two wolves: a geek who will sell out eventually and a shark who likes fraud.

I think that Glenn Howerton is a literally me character in here. I was mesmerized by him every second he was on screen. That's not to put down the rest of the cast, though. Everyone was great and felt perfect for their roles. Baruchel's character reminded me so much of my boss.

I knew that the film would eventually take a turn to show the downfall of Blackberry, but I wasn't expecting it to be so harrowing. The first half was an absolute treat to watch and the second half nearly gave me a panic attack. The tonal shift happens naturally and doesn't feel forced, plus we understand why they're making the decisions they do, even if it leads them to their doom.

Can't believe this wasn't nominated...

Proper Review
Feb 21st 2024
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