Mary Sue Feminist Muslims vs Gay Chemically Enhanced Fashion Model Nazis IN SPACE
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Fedora Tipping
Only gets a high rating because the visuals are pretty good overall and occasionally stunning, and the bene gesserit plot line is a perfect match for the jews: a hidden cabal within an exclusive religion, the leaders of which know that magic (whether real or merely "word magic"/propaganda) is the real determinant of how the world changes. This is such an important metaphor to get people to understand that I don't really mind the butchering of the novels or woke slop that comes with it like stronk whamin muslima warriors or cartoon evil metrosexual nazis. If this film can make people realize who's been controlling things behind the curtain for millennia, playing with the fates of empires and patiently crafting and guiding the development of religious, political, and ideological movements to reach their "end times" plan of total global domination, it will have been worth it. Our people, the good guys, need to have this extreme long term planning and use of every lever available to us, magic or not, to bring about a better world and prevent the destruction of it. We need White wizards. Meditate on this today. Do you want to know more?
Mar 14th 2024
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