Review: Dune: Part Two

After seeing Dune: Part Two, I have little to add to Greg Johnson’s fantastic review.

I found Zendaya’s Chani, a proud brown woman with an attitude who is nothing like the faithful companion of Paul Atreides that I remember from the Sci-Fi channel miniseries, to easily be the worst and most distracting character in the film. Otherwise, I thought Timothée Chalamet’s Paul Atreides, Josh Brolin’s Gurney Halleck, Javier Bardem’s Stilgar, Florence Pugh’s Princess Irulan and Rebecca Ferguson’s Lady Jessica to all be excellent and no better or worse than previous actors in these roles. I also enjoyed Jason Momoa’s Duncan Idaho and Oscar Isaac’s Duke Leto Atreides in Dune: Part One. 

Obviously, the second most distracting aspect of Dune: Part Two is the Africanization...

Proper Review
Mar 18th 2024
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