Why ‘Road House’ Can’t Measure Up to the Original

The 1989 film “Road House” isn’t a classic. It’s more like a “classic.”

Patrick Swayze’s honky tonk romp is both deeply flawed and a cherished ’80s film. Any attempt to remake it seems fraught with complications.

Too woke? Too reverential? Too over-the-top in that glorious “Road House” fashion? How about too bland? And, worst of all, too unnecessary.

Jake Gyllenhaal steps in for Swayze, playing a former UFC fighter struggling to make sense of his life. He’s offered a sweet gig as the lead bouncer in a Florida club called, wait for it, The Road House.

No, it’s not a funny line nor is much of what we get worth a chuckle.

Our new Dalton flashes his bouncing skills in a sequence that suggests this remake might be worth the bother. He’s a force of nature,...

Proper Review
Mar 19th 2024
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