‘Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire’ Slimes Us with Nostalgia

You could excuse “Ghostbusters: Afterlife” for wallowing in nostalgia.

The reboot/sequel had to wash away the stain of the 2016 “Ghostbusters: Answer the Call” while making amends with the franchise faithful.

“Afterlife” still moved the story’s setting far from the Big Apple, and the presence of the franchise’s core members came mostly at the end. It felt like the franchise was ready to go off on its own.

“Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire” argues just the opposite.

The sequel stuffs every possible nostalgia blast into its two-hour running time. The iconic theme song. The score. The original cast members. The references. The quips. Nearly every scene marinates in our memories.

Rick Moranis must have looked at the heaping pile of money on his agent’s desk and said,...

Proper Review
Mar 20th 2024
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