‘Land of Saints and Sinners’ Shows Two Sides of Neeson

Liam Neeson’s post-“Taken” career has been a blessing and a curse for the Oscar nominee.

Yes, he works constantly as an in-demand action hero even as he enters his 70s. The films in question are often beneath him, generic tales that barely tap his gifts. There’s less time for films like “Rob Roy,” “Michael Collins” or “Schindler’s List.”

“In the Land of Saints and Sinners” offers a bridge between his cinematic worlds.

It’s more ambitious than recent Neeson titles like “Retribution” and “Blacklight,” and the story cares as much about Ireland’s “Troubles” as bombs or bullets.

Neeson’s character can’t shake his heroic brand, stripping some of the potential from “Saints and Sinners.”

Neeson plays Finbar Murphy, an assassin living in...

Contains Mention
Mar 25th 2024
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