‘Late Night with the Devil’ Possesses Satirical Sting

Colin and Cameron Cairnes’ “Late Night with the Devil” presents itself as a documentary about a haunted episode of a 1977 talk show, which we see in full.

Following a recap of how once-promising talk show Jack Delroy (David Dastmalchain) has hit a personal rock bottom and is struggling to keep his program on the air, we watch the show’s final episode.

Delroy showcases demonic possession as an effort to compete with Johnny Carson.

It helps that Dastmalchian is very good in the lead, though it’s Ingrid Torelli who steals the film. She plays Lilly, a satanic cult survivor who is demonically possessed and, to put it mildly, unwisely brought onto a live TV broadcast to boost the ratings.

Torelli has a presence that brings a completely different energy to the film. I found myself...

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Mar 25th 2024
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