Dev Patel’s ‘Monkey Man’ a Feast for the Senses

Hollywood’s quest for inclusivity is both maddening and noble.

Forced diversity and Oscar-themed box checking are anathema to the creative process. Allowing more voices to share their stories?


Enter Dev Patel, the Indian actor best known for “Slumdog Millionaire.” Patel makes his feature directorial debut with “Monkey Man,” a powerhouse revenge yarn.

The story marinates in Indian culture, separating it from most Hollywood fare. That, and Patel’s passionate turn, makes it one of the year’s tastiest treats, albeit one not for the squeamish.

Patel stars as Kid, a loner who ekes out a living in fight-club style matches in a fictional Indian city. He loses, on purpose, as part of the gambling scheme personified by the emcee (Sharlto Copley). Kid has something...

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Apr 4th 2024
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