The Grand Budapest Hotel 76%

Wes Anderson's (Isle of Dogs) stylish quirkiness takes a European tour in this kooky comedy based on the life and work of Stefan Zweig. Lobby boy Zero Moustafa (Tony Revolori - Dope) is falling for a baker (Saoirse Ronan - Brooklyn) and idolizes Gustave H (Ralph Fiennes - The White Crow), concierge at a world-famous hotel in the 1930s. But when one of Gustaveโ€™s special patrons (Tilda Swinton - The Souvenir) dies, Zero is drawn into a multi-country chase involving her son (Adrien Brody - The Darjeeling Limited), his muscle (Willem Dafoe - The Lighthouse), and a valuable painting.

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Apr 6th 2024
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