The United States of Insanity 73%

Insane Clown Posse, a rap duo from Detroit who marketed their way to a massive cult following with their clown makeup, costumes, and hard-core violent lyrics, taking a page from Alice Cooper, Kiss, and pulp horror movies. Their fan club, the Juggalos, numbers over a million. This documentary from filmmakers Tom Putnam (The Dark Divide) and Brenna Sanchez chronicles how the anecdotal instances of gangs who adopted the look of ICP put the band and its fans in the crosshairs of law enforcement. The FBI went so far as to label all Juggalos as a criminal gang! The film follows the legal entanglements, as the ACLU backs ICP in a First Amendment lawsuit to defend themselves, their fans, and their artistic freedom.

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Apr 6th 2024
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