Slop, Slop Never Changes
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Fedora Tipping
2.3 Stars Episodes 1 and 2 I watched the first two episodes with expected boredom. I'm fairly certain the rest of the season would struggle to maintain or drop below this benchmark. There were a slop load of overdramatic slow motion fights, which were an attempt to emulate and translate The Fallout games gore filled combat to screen. Stale, but not terrible, CGI for settings and characters. Everything looked too clean and bright most of the time. Like Paramount's adaptation of Halo, Fallout normiefied world building and story elements for palatablity and representation. The Brotherhood of Steel's Power armor flies like and even apes Robert Downey Jr.'s Iron Man, with face cam reaction shots of the pilot. Fallout's dark humor is replaced with exasperated and forced "F**k"s and "that just happened"s as reactions to situations. Play a Fallout videogame instead.
Apr 18th 2024
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