Nice mix between SciFi and Spy-thriller
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A soft Sci-Fi show that explores the divide between tyrannical and free societies with a cold-war style approach to espionage. A major theme is how much people can change, and at what degree a single event can influence that change. Very nice exploration of a "what-if" scenario, and it's not a surprise that it has been memory-holed after the pandemic. Imagine living in a dystopia where people are mandated to wear masks while outside! There's a token Lesbo McDyke that punches 5 categories above her weight, and it's okay to browse your phone every time she appears on screen. In the second season they add a brown girlboss that is just so much better than everyone else. Also, the producers must have a cuck fetish, because it's a recurrent thing in this show. There's a brief interracial relationship in season 1, but it gets scrubbed fast and never mentioned again by season 2. Overall, it's a post 2016 show, so you know what to expect, but compared to what we have today, it's not nearly that bad, and with how it portrays communism, it becomes almost background noise.
Apr 23rd 2024
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