y2k the movie
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Fedora Tipping

Pretty redpilled movie. Multiple scenes where women admit that they like men who are assh**es and assertive. And that women get their power from their vaginas and withholding sex. Great rant by Patrice O'Neal about that here. (language warning)

And several other things that are true to the female nature. Also, a guy gets raped by a woman in this film. Definitely not PC to make males the victim. The film definitely makes fun of the male nature as well, but that couldn't be shown either nowadays because of #METOO stuff. (E.g. there's a creepy/pervy boss and womanizing main characters.)

The plot is interesting. Except for really bad dialogue in parts with blatant exposition.

Also, the Y2K dot com era is hilarious to see in retrospect. Really try hard to make it hip and relevant with everything being related to internet sites and new tech.

Oh and the (((sneaky roommate))) is always scheming and plotting and being a bad influence with gambling/porn and bribery. Nice contrast to the good 'ol Catholic boy. Mel Gibson would be proud.

I said anti-god themes because they portray the catholic priests and nuns in a bad light, but i think it's just comedy. Also, he's obviously just having lots of sinful sex and they brush it off. There's nothing about getting closer to god and he fails at the last minute and that doesn't really matter to the story.

I really like Shannyn Sossamon and it's worth watching for her alone.

Last thing, the beautiful Aryan blue eyed / blonde Chad is the bad guy. Along with his matching Aryan girl. Typical (((Hollywood))) with beta male nerds who write and approve scripts they can relate to. At least the Chad main character Catholic somehow slipped past to the silver screen.

Check it out and pay if you like, or don't. Whatever.

Mar 21st 2019
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